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"Truly Life Changing"

Linda Beavers traveled to Mbale Uganda recently with a team to help in the ongoing and fruitful ministries of

Calvary Temple Mbale & Champions Evangelistic Ministries International: CEMI

As I met with Linda online to hear her testimony and report of her time and experiences, she kept saying to me;


Gifts of soap to local villagers, and the Gospel

Linda shared how she had been to Africa, to Malawi, Congo and Uganda before... because; "God has given me a heart for Africa". Linda believed the Lord had put it in her heart to reach out and do home visitation this time and to bring gifts to the people. This same desire was affirmed by a local Christian woman. So with Agatha's help and that of translators, they took large bars of soap, seen in the photo (the long yellow bar), offering it as a special gift to help clean both body and clothing. Each bar of soap was gratefully accepted, and friendships begun. Linda and Agatha shared that this soap could clean the outside, but they were bringing the good news of Jesus who can cleanse us on the inside, forgiving us of all our sins and unrighteousness. Using a wordless book, they shared the life-changing message of the Gospel. Some entire families, including Muslim families, said yes to Jesus!

Linda shared that many, as they began to share, would look at the ground, their eyes downcast; faces looking hopeless, weary, but as soon as they prayed to receive the gift of life in Christ, she watched time after time, their countenance change, the heads lifted, smiles appeared, shouts of joy arose.

God had done the work to prepare hearts for

His Word to come and save!

"Good news from far away is like cold water to the thirsty" Proverbs 25:25

Linda also told me that she had taken the Perspectives Class 3 years prior.

To finish the course she wrote her final project on the plight of a marginalized people group; the 'Pigmy Peoples of Eastern Uganda' who have suffered social and personal mistreatments of all kinds. She began to pray for these people, and one night in 2013 God gave her a dream

of actually sharing the gospel personally with a tiny Pygmy lady.

On this trip, as Linda and Agatha were sharing soap and the good news with each household in the village, as they rounded a corner, Linda began to gasp for breath and cry. The others with her became concerned and worried for her, not understanding what was happening, but Linda was drawn to the small lady walking down her steps, in awe, as this was the very lady she had seen in her dream. Linda shared the good news of Jesus with Abisage, who was confessing with tears that she never believed herself to be of any value, always had felt despised, rejected and unloved. Linda told her that she was beautiful, precious and beloved of God, who had sent His Son to die for her. Abisage received the Loving LORD Jesus by faith, with her sister, and now they are new creatures in Christ!

Abisage is told of Jesus Love for her!

Within 6 days of many house to house visits, Linda and Agatha got to pray with 130+ people who for the first time heard and responded positively to the gospel. Then small church in the village of Namusi, is a daughter (church plant) of Calvary Temple Mbale (1 of 6 currently).

Another outreach they did was to the children and parents of that community, where a ministry named "Hope of Hopes" is reaching out to continually trying to supply spiritual as well as material needs (food, clean water, medicines etc.) to the people.

Please Help support the ongoing and vital ministries of CEMI and Calvary Temple Mbale. Lives are being rescued from sin and death, poverty and hopelessness. The fields here are white unto harvest, but the workers are few, Pray for the LORD of the harvest to send more laborers into the fields. Please PRAY for your brothers and sisters in Uganda, as well as all of the world, that His kingdom may come and will be done in earth as it is in Heaven.

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