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"Good News from far away is like cold water to the thirsty" Proverbs 25:25

Most of us here in the USA came to know Pastor Mike Mataya as a result of his wife Milsaint's education here in America. Well, after years of hard work and long separations for this family, Millie has returned to Uganda having completed her Master's Degree. She hit the ground running and has been very involved in organizing workshops for several conferences and has begun and Saturday breakfasts for Women to help guide them in ministry, positive parenting, and with income producing endeavors such as raising pigs and poultry. The Bible tells us that; "he who finds a good wife finds a good thing!" Pastor Michael would say AMEN to that, he has found a prize indeed, both for he, his children and community. God is using this couple in many and varied ways both there in Uganda and beyond.

40 Days of Prayer preceded the outreach

Lots of great things have been happening in Mbale Uganda, since our last post, and I apologize that it has taken me so long to get this info to you. Just for an update, the 40 Day Jubilee Crusade resulted in 1400 confessed conversions 200 of which were Muslim; of those 50 have been thus far baptized and are receiving personal discipleship. Wow! What a glorious Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ!

As a result of what they see the Lord doing, a new ministry has sprung up: "Ministry to Muslims" helping to facilitate not only growth in the Lord and equipping to carry the gospel to other Muslims both locally and abroad, but job training, education, housing.... so many needs. Many of these new brothers and sister cannot return to home and work, as they are cast out. Please pray for them and if there is any way that you can help support them financially we humbly ask that you pray and give to that end.

Pastor Mike has beeen in the USA for part of Oct-December, part of that time meeting with leaders, as Champions has been involved in setting up "Through the Bible Radio" broadcasting to potentially as many as 7 million listeners, via 3 radio stations. Also, Pastor Mike has attended a conference and speaking in Fresno, CA. as well as other opportunities God has opened for him. Mike's passion is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in every place, and to see Him magnified.

There is so much more to report, but we will keep this blog short. There are many ongoing prayer needs though. Would you continue please to pray for protection around Pastor Mike and his family, as there have been threats to them, as a result of the many Muslims coming to faith. Thankfully God is great and has protected them miraculously. The ministry demands have greatly increased and the resources seem small, we trust LORD is faithful and shall supply all they have need of according to His riches in glory.

Thank You for every prayer and every gift; please prayerfully consider being a regular support partner for Champions Evangelistic Ministries International!

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