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Taking the Whole WORD to the whole world!

The LORD has enabled CEMI and Pastor Mike Mataya of Calvary Temple Mbale, along with Pastor Wilberforce Okumu of Pearl Haven Christian Center, to be in relationship with the International ministry of 'Through the Bible with Jay Vernon McGee'. December 2017 marked the first full year of broadcasting Through the Bible and other Christian programming over a very wide area in Uganda. This venture has far exceeded even TTB's expectation in it's scope and fruitfulness. We praise the LORD for what HE is doing in Uganda today.

Here is a sample;

"Praise the Lord,God has enabled us here in Uganda to operate TTB Mmanya Baibuliyo Radio Program for one full year. We are celebrating His goodness, as thousands of Ugandan people are testifying how their lives are being transformed and blessed through this program.We have attached the end of December 2017 Listeners' Report for you to share with us and continue to keep us in Prayer. Also, attached here is our formal requisition for Kampala City Radio.You are always in our hearts and we continued to pray for you all as God enables you take the Whole Word to the Whole World." Attached were reports of all the villages and areas being impacted with the Live Giving Word of God. It is so exciting. I was able to listen to the translated testimonies of many Ugandans whose lives are being transformed by the renewing of their minds in hearing the Word of God in their own native language.

Your prayers and generous gifts enable the truth of the LORD to go forth in power and help to bring many sons and daughters into His glorious Kingdom. Please partner with us to reach the lost and disciple the saved, that they to may go forth to make disciples in His glorious Name.

This past week Pastor Mike Mataya & the Leadership team from Calvary Temple Mbale were able to host a Youth conference, where over 700 young people came to hear the Word and be built up in their faith. Please pray for the ongoing work of Kingdom Building in Uganda and all over the world.

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