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Jesus says: "Come to ME, I will give you rest!"

Pastor Mike Mataya Preaching the Word!

I recently spoke with Pastor Mike Mataya of Calvary Temple Mbale, Uganda. Champions Evangelistic Ministries International: CEMI is the fruit of this church. He is so full of energy and passion to see the Whole 'Word of God' taken to the Whole World. Currently he has a team of people in Kampala, helping another radio station to be equipped with Through the Bible (TTB) Radio Program to reach even further into Uganda as well as parts of Sudan and Kenya. Millions are now able to hear the Word of God in their own native tongue. This is Wonderful! TTB is amazed at the fruit and wants to use them as a model for future work in Africa.

The following is his report:

We did a wonderful Youth Igniters Conference in January, and 700 youth from different parts of the country turned up for 4 days.

We provided; workshops, games, talent shows, and community evangelism. It was wonderful. Please pray for the young people in our communities as well as your own.

Last year's May outreach lasting 40 days, many came to faith

We are now preparing for May annual outreach. This will be the 11th year, God Willing, it will include:

Praying and fasting for 40 days

starting March 12th 2018.

Will you please join us in praying?

Training teams for evangelism.

Door to door evangelism.

Schools, hospital, prison evangelism.

Open air proclaiming of the Gospel.

Praise and worship, testimonies, water Baptism, and Discipleship classes.

We will have celebrations for the new converts on the last day of the of the outreach.

This includes having a party, giving out Bibles if we have them, distribution welfare to the needy and helping those from far to find Bible teaching Churches.

In June: We are also preparing to Host

Joe Cox from Enduring Treasure Ministries and a team of 9.

They will be doing Pastors training, Children's camps with HOHO (Hope of Hopes), and Coaching ministers.

Ephesians 4:11-12; "And HE Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ."

In August of 2018 Champions leaders Conference

This gathers church leaders from different churches across the country especially the regions of Eastern and Northern Uganda for 3 days.

Activities will be teaching the word of God, workshops and discussion groups. "As iron sharpens iron, so one good friend sharpens another."

The theme for this year is "How to lead and still have life" Mathew 11:29 where Jesus says: "Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."

Lastly in October; Our Annual Women's Conference

Plus many other programs, we will update you.

Thank you so much!

May God continue to bless you,

Mike Mataya

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